
Home  >  Human Resources  >  Talent Concept

We encourage abilitism, chosing personnel by post and ability.  

We advocate horse racing system, mediocre staff yielding their positions to the ones better qualified.


We dedicate ourselves to building up learning-typed, innovative and competitive teams, which is regarded as the primary work of improving company core competence, and establish a mechanism and system of training, study, competitive employment and appointment. Our company reserves special funds for talent training programs, selects well-performed, and well-qualified employees to colleges or famous companies to study and inspect, and strengthens and completes the implement of relearning of talents.


Our company regularly and irregularly holds public competitions for some posts to optimize personnel allocation and raise competition sense and crisis awareness. We select young employees with integrity and professional competence for grass-root management and technique positions, broadening the channels of talents standing out.


Our company performs broadband salary system to meet the need of modern enterprise administration, breaking the bad habits of salary administration by seniority and equalitarianism. We determine payment by performance, competency, and post, laying a foundation of talent stability and development.

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